Quiz Sheets in the Birthdays Category

We all remember those birthday parties when we were kids. Cake, candy, balloons, ice cream and friends. Here's a category to celebrate all things related to birthdays and birthday parties.

[m] indicates a multiple-choice question.

  • Anthony's 50th birthday trivia (7 words)
    Example: What is Anthony's first name?: Paul, What is Anthony's favourite dish?: Karella, What is Anthony's favourite sport?: Cricket, What is Anthony's favourite song?: Dil asa kasi mena toda
    Created 2020-01-06
    Category: Kids -> Birthdays
  • How Well Do You Know HETH? (7 words)
    Example: When was Heth born including the year?: , What instrument does Heth play?: , What Is Heth's nani, dada & dadi name?: , Where is Heth going next month?:
    Created 2016-07-22
    Category: Kids -> Birthdays
  • Who knows janiyah best? (6 words)
    Example: Favourite colour?: blue, Favourite school subject?: history, Middle name?: kathrine, Hobby?: cheer
    Created 2015-10-26
    Category: Kids -> Birthdays

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