Payroll Timesheet Instructions

    How much will you get paid per hour?
    When are timesheets due?
    A. 10th and 25th B. 15th and last day of the month C. 5th and last day of the month
    What color ink can you use on your timesheets?
    A. Red B. Green C. Black and Blue D. Sharpies E. Purple
    If you make a mistake on your timesheet what should you do?
    A. Ask for another timesheet B. Cross it off with one line C. Use whiteout
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Payroll Timesheet Instructions (Answer Key)

    How much will you get paid per hour?
    When are timesheets due?
    A. 10th and 25th B. 15th and last day of the month C. 5th and last day of the month
    What color ink can you use on your timesheets?
    A. Red B. Green C. Black and Blue D. Sharpies E. Purple
    If you make a mistake on your timesheet what should you do?
    A. Ask for another timesheet B. Cross it off with one line C. Use whiteout

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