Means of Transportation in Canada

Getting Around in Canada

    Which is the fastest way to travel across Canada
    A. Car B. Bus C. Airplane D. Train E. Ferry
    What do you need to travel in Canada
    A. Credit Card B. Gym Membership Card C. Utility Bill D. Student I.D. E. Canadian Passport, Driver's Licence, Foreign Passport
    What is the cheapest way to travel between cities
    A. Airplane B. Bus C. Train D. Ferry E. Subway
    When you use the public transportation system, you travel by
    A. Car B. Taxi C. Subway D. Airplane E. Motorcycle
    Another name for streetcar
    A. Subway B. Bicycle C. Walking D. Tram E. Ferry
    Where would you buy tickets to use on the public transportation system?
    A. Supermarket B. Doctor Office C. Convenience Stores D. Gym E. Liquor Store
    How do you catch a taxi?
    A. Call 911 B. Stand at the bus stop and wait for taxi driver to notice you C. Ring a Bell D. Going to the taxi stand E. Calling the bus company
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Means of Transportation in Canada (Answer Key)

Getting Around in Canada

    Which is the fastest way to travel across Canada
    A. Car B. Bus C. Airplane D. Train E. Ferry
    What do you need to travel in Canada
    A. Credit Card B. Gym Membership Card C. Utility Bill D. Student I.D. E. Canadian Passport, Driver's Licence, Foreign Passport
    What is the cheapest way to travel between cities
    A. Airplane B. Bus C. Train D. Ferry E. Subway
    When you use the public transportation system, you travel by
    A. Car B. Taxi C. Subway D. Airplane E. Motorcycle
    Another name for streetcar
    A. Subway B. Bicycle C. Walking D. Tram E. Ferry
    Where would you buy tickets to use on the public transportation system?
    A. Supermarket B. Doctor Office C. Convenience Stores D. Gym E. Liquor Store
    How do you catch a taxi?
    A. Call 911 B. Stand at the bus stop and wait for taxi driver to notice you C. Ring a Bell D. Going to the taxi stand E. Calling the bus company

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