Fun at the Amusement Park

    The kinder family is at the
    A. store B. Amusement Park C. D. Beach
    Roller Coasters move very
    A. fast B. strange C. D. slow
    How can the Kinder family remember their trip to the amusement Park?
    A. Buy a ticket. B. Buy a souvenir from the gift shop C. Buy snack from the gift shop. D.
    What do magnets pull on?
    A. Magnets B. candy C. metal D.
    What is a force?
    A. A push or pull B. A way to dance C. falling to the ground D.
    What pulls the ball down before it hit the bottles?
    A. air B. gravity C. D. mass
    People can _________ different activities to do.
    A. fun B. say C. choose D.
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Fun at the Amusement Park (Answer Key)

    The kinder family is at the
    A. store B. Amusement Park C. D. Beach
    Roller Coasters move very
    A. fast B. strange C. D. slow
    How can the Kinder family remember their trip to the amusement Park?
    A. Buy a ticket. B. Buy a souvenir from the gift shop C. Buy snack from the gift shop. D.
    What do magnets pull on?
    A. Magnets B. candy C. metal D.
    What is a force?
    A. A push or pull B. A way to dance C. falling to the ground D.
    What pulls the ball down before it hit the bottles?
    A. air B. gravity C. D. mass
    People can _________ different activities to do.
    A. fun B. say C. choose D.

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