20. How would someone be able to tell if you’re happy or if you’re sad?

    20. How would someone be able to tell if you’re happy or if you’re sad?
    20. How would someone be able to tell if you’re happy or if you’re sad?
    20. How would someone be able to tell if you’re happy or if you’re sad?
    20. How would someone be able to tell if you’re happy or if you’re sad?
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20. How would someone be able to tell if you’re happy or if you’re sad? (Answer Key)

    20. How would someone be able to tell if you’re happy or if you’re sad?
    20. How would someone be able to tell if you’re happy or if you’re sad?
    20. How would someone be able to tell if you’re happy or if you’re sad?
    20. How would someone be able to tell if you’re happy or if you’re sad?

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