Mental Health Quiz

Created by arturomg

    How have you seen mental health in your life?
    What are some of your methods for dealing with stress?
    How can we support others who deal with mental health issues
    A. Support them B. All of the above C. Show them you care D. Guide them to professional help
    What is the No.1 mental illness
    A. Mood swings B. Anxiety C. Dementia D. Stress Eating
    What can you personally do to positively affect someone who you know has a mental issue?
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Mental Health Quiz (Answer Key)

Created by arturomg

    How have you seen mental health in your life?
    What are some of your methods for dealing with stress?
    How can we support others who deal with mental health issues
    A. Support them B. All of the above C. Show them you care D. Guide them to professional help
    What is the No.1 mental illness
    A. Mood swings B. Anxiety C. Dementia D. Stress Eating
    What can you personally do to positively affect someone who you know has a mental issue?

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