What type of feminist are you?

select the following answers that apply to you

    do you beleive in equality?
    which of the following do you agree with?
    do you beleive that women are more superior then men?
    what do you think?
    what about in the workplace?
    what about in the family standput?
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What type of feminist are you? (Answer Key)

select the following answers that apply to you

    do you beleive in equality?
    which of the following do you agree with?
    a. women are feminine and are intune and connected with nature b. women should use there emotional and femine touches to care for others and have children c. women are equla to men no matter the circumstances
    do you beleive that women are more superior then men?
    a. in some ways yes b. 100% better c. no men and women are equal
    what do you think?
    a. that women should be encouraged to be lesbian b. women should find there love and connection to mother earth c. women should care for her husband and care for their children and home
    what about in the workplace?
    a. women should get equal pay b. women should stay home and tend to others c. women should find a way to help nature every day
    what about in the family standput?
    a. women shoudl stay home b. women should be offered jobs that are offered to men c.women should do something that will impact the wellness of our earth

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