Spanish - Lesson 2 - Dialog with Easy Vocabulary

A Dialog Showing the Use of the Easy Vocabulary Words

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This next lesson involves a simple dialog demonstrating the use of the easy vocabulary words introduced in the previous lesson. Here is a suggestion on how to practice with this dialog:

  1. First, familiarize yourself with the vocabulary words. They are presented below, or you can go back to the Lesson 1 activities.
  2. Next, read through the whole dialog in Spanish. Try to guess the meaning, but go ahead and look at the English translations if you need to.
  3. For further in-depth study, you can try to memorize the dialog in Spanish. You can take small sections of the dialog and see if you can come up with the Spanish while only looking at the English.
  4. You can also try the game or learning quiz to practice the dialog.

Tim Visits Fernando

Tim, from the U.S., is visiting his friend Fernando who lives in Spain.

bueno (m.) / buena (f.) good
un día a day
buenos días good day / hello
TIM: Buenos días, Fernando!TIM: Good day, Fernando!
FERNANDO: Buenos días, Tim!FERNANDO: Good day, Tim!
este (m.) / esta (f.) this
muy very
hermoso (m.) / hermosa (f.) beautiful
una casa a house
gracias thank you
TIM: Esta es una casa muy hermosa.TIM: This is a very beautiful house.
FERNANDO: Gracias.FERNANDO: Thank you.
hay there is / there are
un gato a cat
en on, in
el (m. sing.) / la (f. sing.) / los (m. pl.) / las (f. pl.) the
una mesa a table
pues well, um, then
TIM: Pues ... hay un gato en la mesa.TIM: Um ... there is a cat on the table.
FERNANDO: ¡Por supuesto!FERNANDO: Of course!
pero but
por qué why
TIM: ¿Pero por qué?TIM: But why?
porque because
un perro a dog
debajo de under
un escritorio a desk
FERNANDO: Porque hay un perro debajo del escritorio.FERNANDO: Because there is a dog under the desk.
Sometime later...
voy I go / I'm going
a to
mi (sing.) / mis (pl.) my
un hotel a hotel
ahora now
TIM: Ahora voy a mi hotel.TIM: I'm going to my hotel now.
eso (m.) / esa (f.) that
es (3rd person singular) is
adiós goodbye
buen (before masc. sing. noun) good
TIM: Eso es un buen gato. Y un buen perro. Adiós!TIM: That's a good cat. And a good dog. Goodbye.

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