African American Negro Spirituals

Created by frederickphilpjr


Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What time period did African American/Negro Spirituals begin? 17th Centurty (wrong answers: 1)
  2. What were slaves stripped of that would inspire spirituals? Their identity (wrong answers: 1)
  3. What bible character did slaves relate to the most? Moses (wrong answers: 1)
  4. Who published the first major collection of spirituals called "Slave Songs of The US" in 1867? 3 White Abolitionists (wrong answers: 1)
  5. What does "Wade in the Water" mean? Walk in the water (wrong answers: 1)
  6. What does "Follow the Drinking Gourd" mean? Follow the north star (wrong answers: 1)
  7. Which movement used and revamped African American/Negro Spirituals? The Civil Rights Movement (wrong answers: 1)

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