Patient Violence: Risk and Management Strategies in the Behavioral Healthcare Setting Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Patient violence compromises the safety of? All of the above (wrong answers: Other Patients, Staff Members, Visitors, All of the above)
  2. Up to ______% of nurses working on inpatient psychiatric units are injured by a patient 7 (wrong answers: 5, 10, 3, 7)
  3. What strategy is not commonly used un behavioral healthcare settings to reduce or prevent patient violence? Encouraging family to bring items from home to make the unit seem more familure (wrong answers: Prohibiting visitors from bringing items into patient rooms, Training staff members to recognize risk facotors for patient violence, Training staff how to remove potentially dangerous objects from a patients room, Encouraging family to bring items from home to make the unit seem more familure )
  4. Predictors of patient violence include: All of the above (wrong answers: History of violence, History of arrest for violent offenses, An antisocial personality, All of the above)
  5. Guidelines for using de-escalation techniques include: All of the above (wrong answers: Using verbal de-escalation including asking the patient if they require assistance, Using nonverbal de-escalation techniques by remaining calm and maintaining eye contact, Using the least resistive interventions before using physical interventions such as restraints or seclusion, All of the above)

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