Rules and Grading Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. How do we treat each other? With courtesy at all times (wrong answers: Like a dog, Like a cat, I wasn't listening when you covered this, With respect)
  2. When may you raise your hand? When Mr. Thomas says he is ready to take questions (wrong answers: Whenever I don't understand. , When Mr. Thomas is silent., Never, Whenever I have something really cool to say)
  3. Mr. Thomas asks me a question, what do I do? Answer to the best of my knowledge and ability (wrong answers: Say, "I don't know." , Say the first thing that comes out of my mouth, Say, I already answered once before., Remain silent.)
  4. What is the exception to the "Raise your hand rule"? You may raise your hand if you have a medical or bodily emergency. (wrong answers: There is no exception to the rule., You get one free option to raise your hand out of turn, Rules do not apply to me, I don't remember)
  5. What are the two components of my daily grade? Obeying the rules and answering questions when called upon. (wrong answers: Showing up and being quiet, Being nice and answering questions, Never interrupting and sitting up straight, I don't remember)
  6. What grades may I earn for a daily grade. A or F (wrong answers: A, B C, D or F, A, B, C or F but never D, A, E, I, O, U, 3 demerits)
  7. How many demerits earn me an F for a daily grade? (wrong answers: 1, 2, 3, 4)

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