Meet the Environmental Health Team Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What % of food businesses in Aylesbury Vale have a food hygiene rating of 5? 75% (wrong answers: 55%, 65%)
  2. How many litres of milk is processed at Arla in Aylesbury every year? 933 million (wrong answers: 923 million, 943 million )
  3. How often are food businesses inspected? Between 6 months - 2 years (wrong answers: Between 8 months - 3 years , Between 10 months - 4 years )
  4. What does HMO stand for? Is it... House of Multiple Occupation (wrong answers: Home in Multiple Occupation, House of Many Occupants )
  5. When is a licence required for a HMO? 5 Occupants comprising of 2 or more households (wrong answers: 3 Occupants comprising of 2 or more households , 4 Occupants comprising of 3 or more households )
  6. Between 2018/19 how many employees suffered non-fatal injuries at work? 69,208 (wrong answers: 22,301, 45,907)
  7. Which of these activities do we licence? All of them! (wrong answers: Piercing , Microblading , Acupuncture, Tattooing , Piercing , Microblading , Acupuncture, Tattooing )

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