Vocabulary Unit One Assessment

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What does it mean to ANALYZE? to study something carefully (wrong answers: develop gradually, add together)
  2. When you RETELL something, what are you doing? paraphrasing (wrong answers: plotting, chunking, analyzing)
  3. The result of something that happens AFTER an event occurs is called the... effect (wrong answers: theme, contrast)
  4. What is characterization? the process by which a writer reveals a characters personality and qualities (wrong answers: the central message in the story, the sensory language used by the author)
  5. A struggle against another person or some outside force is called... external conflict (wrong answers: main conflict, struggling conflict)
  6. What is foreshadowing? when an author hints at events or ideas that will take place later in the story (wrong answers: when an author compares two unlike things using human characteristics, when an author uses transition words to write a flowing essay)
  7. What is personification? giving inanimate objects human characteristics (wrong answers: comparing two unlike things, the central idea or message of a story)

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