Preterito's Pop Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What is dar in the preterit? (tu) diste (wrong answers: dijieron, doy, dimos, dijisteis)
  2. What is sacar in the preterit? (yo) saqué (wrong answers: sacamos, sacasteis, cheese, sacan)
  3. What is almorzar in the preterit? (nosotros) almorzamos (wrong answers: almorzimos, almorzan, almorzemos, almorzas)
  4. What is ir in the preterit? (el) fue (wrong answers: fio, fuí , fuieron, fuimos)
  5. What is estar in the preterit? (vosotros) estuvisteis (wrong answers: estuvieron, estan, estas, estuvimos)
  6. What is bailar in the preterit? (ellos) bailaron (wrong answers: baliaron, baliste, bailan, balimos)
  7. What is comer in the preterit? (yo) comí (wrong answers: comó, comemos, comé, comieron)

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