Columbian Exchange

    Where did guinea pigs come from?
    A. Old World B. New World
    It all started in ___________________.
    A. 1592 B. 1492 C. 1600s D. 1776 E. 1601 F. 1491
    Which did not come from the Americas/New World?
    A. Turkey B. Rubber Tree C. Peach Tree D. Chilli Peppers E. Peanuts
    Did turkeys come from the Old World?
    A. Yes B. No
    What disease did not come from the Old World?
    A. chicken pox B. measles C. Smallpox D. bubonic plague E. None of the above F. typhus G. malaria H. whooping cough
    Which came from the New World?
    A. Lemon Tree B. Sunflower C. Marigolds D. All of the above
Answer Key
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Columbian Exchange (Answer Key)

    Where did guinea pigs come from?
    A. Old World B. New World
    It all started in ___________________.
    A. 1592 B. 1492 C. 1600s D. 1776 E. 1601 F. 1491
    Which did not come from the Americas/New World?
    A. Turkey B. Rubber Tree C. Peach Tree D. Chilli Peppers E. Peanuts
    Did turkeys come from the Old World?
    A. Yes B. No
    What disease did not come from the Old World?
    A. chicken pox B. measles C. Smallpox D. bubonic plague E. None of the above F. typhus G. malaria H. whooping cough
    Which came from the New World?
    A. Lemon Tree B. Sunflower C. Marigolds D. All of the above

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