Hotel Questionnaire

    Why do you most commonly travel
    A. Visiting Family B. Work C. Events D. Holiday E. Other (write to the side)
    With whom do you most commonly travel
    A. Friends B. Alone C. Other (write to the side) D. Family
    How often do you stay in hotels, generally?
    A. Once a month B. Multiple times a month C. Less frequently than any of these options D. More frequently than any of these options E. Once a year F. Multiple times a year (but less than once a month) G. Once every few years
    Please list the most common problems you have when staying in hotels.
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Hotel Questionnaire (Answer Key)

    Why do you most commonly travel
    A. Visiting Family B. Work C. Events D. Holiday E. Other (write to the side)
    With whom do you most commonly travel
    A. Friends B. Alone C. Other (write to the side) D. Family
    How often do you stay in hotels, generally?
    A. Once a month B. Multiple times a month C. Less frequently than any of these options D. More frequently than any of these options E. Once a year F. Multiple times a year (but less than once a month) G. Once every few years
    Please list the most common problems you have when staying in hotels.

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