AQL Progress

Created by cheffenc

    How many AQL personal can be on a order ?
    A. 1 B. 3 C. 0 D. 4 E. No Limit
    Can you AQL a tote that has not been inspected ?
    A. Yes of course B. Ask a Manager C. No way D. Only if it has less then 100 E. ----
    Are you limited to one lightbox when you AQL ?
    A. Yes of course B. No way C. ---- D. ---- E. ----
    After performing AQL where should you input the information ?
    A. Batch Record B. ---- C. AQL Repeat D. AQL Progress Sheet E. MFW
    Is it safe to assume that all AQL numbers will add up to 125 ?
    A. Yes B. No C. ---- D. ---- E. ----
    What should you do if you don't have enough to perform your AQL amount ?
    A. Inspect all product again until you reach the correct number B. Put a DV on the order C. Inspect all of it D. Go to another line and insepct instead E. ----
    Who prints the AQL sheets once the task is completed ?
    A. AQL B. Whoever performs the ask C. MQA D. ILP E. Any department Manager
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AQL Progress (Answer Key)

Created by cheffenc

    How many AQL personal can be on a order ?
    A. 1 B. 3 C. 0 D. 4 E. No Limit
    Can you AQL a tote that has not been inspected ?
    A. Yes of course B. Ask a Manager C. No way D. Only if it has less then 100 E. ----
    Are you limited to one lightbox when you AQL ?
    A. Yes of course B. No way C. ---- D. ---- E. ----
    After performing AQL where should you input the information ?
    A. Batch Record B. ---- C. AQL Repeat D. AQL Progress Sheet E. MFW
    Is it safe to assume that all AQL numbers will add up to 125 ?
    A. Yes B. No C. ---- D. ---- E. ----
    What should you do if you don't have enough to perform your AQL amount ?
    A. Inspect all product again until you reach the correct number B. Put a DV on the order C. Inspect all of it D. Go to another line and insepct instead E. ----
    Who prints the AQL sheets once the task is completed ?
    A. AQL B. Whoever performs the ask C. MQA D. ILP E. Any department Manager

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