
    Which type of Bridle is bitless
    A. Double B. Hackemore C. Cavesson D. Grackle E. Flash
    What are the pieces of leather called which run down each side of the horses face
    A. Face pieces B. Side Pieces C. Bit Holders D. Banets E. Cheek Pieces
    What kind of bit is classed as a mild bit
    A. Pelham B. Loose Ring Snaffle C. Hanging Snaffle D. Dutch Gagg E. D Ring Snaffle
    What is the alternative fastening to a buckle type
    A. Pin B. Billet C. Snap D. Slot E. Rope
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Bridles (Answer Key)

    Which type of Bridle is bitless
    A. Double B. Hackemore C. Cavesson D. Grackle E. Flash
    What are the pieces of leather called which run down each side of the horses face
    A. Face pieces B. Side Pieces C. Bit Holders D. Banets E. Cheek Pieces
    What kind of bit is classed as a mild bit
    A. Pelham B. Loose Ring Snaffle C. Hanging Snaffle D. Dutch Gagg E. D Ring Snaffle
    What is the alternative fastening to a buckle type
    A. Pin B. Billet C. Snap D. Slot E. Rope

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