    What color is New Holland equipment?
    A. Black B. Green C. Red D. Blue E. Orange
    What does deciduous mean?
    A. A tree that has pine needles B. A miniature tree C. A tree that has a poor root system D. A tree that sheds leaves annually E. A tree that grows over 30 feet tall
    What is another name for Hazelnut?
    A. Brazil nut B. Cashew C. Peanut D. Filbert E. Almond
    What is the common name for Acer palmatum?
    A. Blue Spruce B. Boxwood C. Cedar D. Japanese Maple E. Beech
    How far can a bee fly from its hive to collect nectar?
    A. Up to 10 feet B. Up to 5 miles C. Up to 100 miles D. Up to 2 miles E. Up to 100 feet
    About how much honey does one bee produce in its lifetime?
    A. 1 gallon B. 1 tablespoon C. 1 quart D. 1 cup E. 1 pint
    What are you called if you are a professional beekeeper?
    A. Pianist B. Pragmatist C. Botanist D. Beeist E. Apiarist
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KG Farms FARM TRIVIA (Answer Key)

    What color is New Holland equipment?
    A. Black B. Green C. Red D. Blue E. Orange
    What does deciduous mean?
    A. A tree that has pine needles B. A miniature tree C. A tree that has a poor root system D. A tree that sheds leaves annually E. A tree that grows over 30 feet tall
    What is another name for Hazelnut?
    A. Brazil nut B. Cashew C. Peanut D. Filbert E. Almond
    What is the common name for Acer palmatum?
    A. Blue Spruce B. Boxwood C. Cedar D. Japanese Maple E. Beech
    How far can a bee fly from its hive to collect nectar?
    A. Up to 10 feet B. Up to 5 miles C. Up to 100 miles D. Up to 2 miles E. Up to 100 feet
    About how much honey does one bee produce in its lifetime?
    A. 1 gallon B. 1 tablespoon C. 1 quart D. 1 cup E. 1 pint
    What are you called if you are a professional beekeeper?
    A. Pianist B. Pragmatist C. Botanist D. Beeist E. Apiarist

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