And All That Jazz

Choose the lyrics to the song. You may work together and use your music. Due for a grade at the end of class today.

    Come on babe...
    A. why don't we paint the town. B. put my puppy down. C. we're gonna slick your hair. D. wear some buckle shoes.
    Start the car...
    A. I'm hungry. B. I know a whoopee spot... C. I lost my shoes. D. the ice is cool.
    Hold on, hon, we're gonna bunny hug...
    A. I bought some aspirin down at United Drug... B. then get some donuts. C. start the car. D. and brush the sky.
    Find a rug...
    A. we're gonna cut it loose... B. I want to kick that goose... C. I think I lost my shoes... D. and all that jazz...
    I betcha Lucky Lindy never...
    A. had a four-leaf clover... B. lost his shoes... C. brushed the sky... D. flew so high...
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And All That Jazz (Answer Key)

Choose the lyrics to the song. You may work together and use your music. Due for a grade at the end of class today.

    Come on babe...
    A. why don't we paint the town. B. put my puppy down. C. we're gonna slick your hair. D. wear some buckle shoes.
    Start the car...
    A. I'm hungry. B. I know a whoopee spot... C. I lost my shoes. D. the ice is cool.
    Hold on, hon, we're gonna bunny hug...
    A. I bought some aspirin down at United Drug... B. then get some donuts. C. start the car. D. and brush the sky.
    Find a rug...
    A. we're gonna cut it loose... B. I want to kick that goose... C. I think I lost my shoes... D. and all that jazz...
    I betcha Lucky Lindy never...
    A. had a four-leaf clover... B. lost his shoes... C. brushed the sky... D. flew so high...

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