Stand By Me

Choose the lyrics to the song. You may work together and use your music. Due for a grade at the end of class today.

    When the night has come...
    A. I won't cry... B. should crumble to the sea... C. and the land is dark... D. no I won't be afraid...
    If the sky, that we look upon...
    A. should be dark... B. should tumble and fall... C. should be blue... D. I won't cry...
    and the moon...
    A. is the only light we see... B. is shining... C. should tumble to the sea... D. is here...
    the mountain...
    A. should be high... B. should crumble to the sea... C. I won't cry... D. won't...shed a tear...
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Stand By Me (Answer Key)

Choose the lyrics to the song. You may work together and use your music. Due for a grade at the end of class today.

    When the night has come...
    A. I won't cry... B. should crumble to the sea... C. and the land is dark... D. no I won't be afraid...
    If the sky, that we look upon...
    A. should be dark... B. should tumble and fall... C. should be blue... D. I won't cry...
    and the moon...
    A. is the only light we see... B. is shining... C. should tumble to the sea... D. is here...
    the mountain...
    A. should be high... B. should crumble to the sea... C. I won't cry... D. won't...shed a tear...

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