
    How big a threat to the planet is overpopulation?
    A. ice cream B. VERY BIG THREAT C. not that big D. size shouldn't matter E. HUGE
    What does overpopulation affect
    A. Sun B. Trees C. Climate change D. The demand for natural resources and food E. all the above
    Humans are the only ones affected by overpopulaiton
    A. True B. FALSE C. Fake D. Correct E. Correct 2
    What can be done about overpopulaiton
    A. Family planning B. Debunking myths about contraception C. Spreading Awareness D. All of the above :D E. Informing about benefits of smaller
    What does overpopulation tend to impact the *MOST*
    A. Humans B. Animals C. Resources D. The standard of living E. Plants
    How long has overpopulation been affecting Earth
    A. since 2008 B. since 2009 C. since 1843 D. since 1350 E. since 2012
    Is overpopulation a reason for climate change
    A. YUP! B. DUH! C. no :( D. nope! E. yes
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Overpopulation (Answer Key)

    How big a threat to the planet is overpopulation?
    A. ice cream B. VERY BIG THREAT C. not that big D. size shouldn't matter E. HUGE
    What does overpopulation affect
    A. Sun B. Trees C. Climate change D. The demand for natural resources and food E. all the above
    Humans are the only ones affected by overpopulaiton
    A. True B. FALSE C. Fake D. Correct E. Correct 2
    What can be done about overpopulaiton
    A. Family planning B. Debunking myths about contraception C. Spreading Awareness D. All of the above :D E. Informing about benefits of smaller
    What does overpopulation tend to impact the *MOST*
    A. Humans B. Animals C. Resources D. The standard of living E. Plants
    How long has overpopulation been affecting Earth
    A. since 2008 B. since 2009 C. since 1843 D. since 1350 E. since 2012
    Is overpopulation a reason for climate change
    A. YUP! B. DUH! C. no :( D. nope! E. yes

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