Health: Fitness Chapter 4 Test

    Weight Lifting or golf are examples of this type of exercise.
    A. pilates B. endurance training C. muscular moves D. anaerobic exercise E. cramps
    The relation ship between your fat and lean body weight.
    A. fat index B. muscle mass C. dancing D. body composition E. exercise
    Activities that a person can do throughout their lifetime.
    A. short term exercise B. anaerobic C. strength training D. ability E. stability F. lifetime sports
    A workout that is an increase to your activity level when you don't know even know you are doing it.
    A. surprise workout B. forgetfulness exercise C. fitness D. accidental workout E. oxidative
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Health: Fitness Chapter 4 Test (Answer Key)

    Weight Lifting or golf are examples of this type of exercise.
    A. pilates B. endurance training C. muscular moves D. anaerobic exercise E. cramps
    The relation ship between your fat and lean body weight.
    A. fat index B. muscle mass C. dancing D. body composition E. exercise
    Activities that a person can do throughout their lifetime.
    A. short term exercise B. anaerobic C. strength training D. ability E. stability F. lifetime sports
    A workout that is an increase to your activity level when you don't know even know you are doing it.
    A. surprise workout B. forgetfulness exercise C. fitness D. accidental workout E. oxidative

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