Quiz Sheets

Here are some printable quiz sheets which have either been pre-defined or created by users.

+ New Quiz Sheet

[m] indicates a multiple-choice question.

  • rtrt (2 words)
    Example: rtrtr: [m] rtr, rtrt: [m] rtr
    Created about 8 hours ago (2024-04-28)
  • Quiz 3 (4 words)
    SPAN 346
    Example: ¿Cuál fue la ciudad vasca donde Hitler probó sus aviones en la Guerra Civil Española? : [m] Guernica. Es famosa por el cuadro de Picasso, ¿Quienes son las Madres de Mayo?: [m] Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo es una asociación Argentina formada en 1977,1 durante la dictadura de Jorge Rafael Videla, con el fin de recuperar con vida a los detenidos desaparecidos,, ¿Que es la zona del Canal de Panamá? : [m] La Zona", fue una colonia estadounidense de 1432 km² que se extendió desde 1903 a 1979 a lo largo del Canal de Panamá, dividiendo el Istmo de Panamá. Llevó a muchas protestas hasta su regreso a Panama en 1999. , . :
    Created about 12 hours ago (2024-04-28)
  • Quiz 3 (7 words)
    SPAN 346
    Example: ¿Cómo se manejó la transición democrática inmediatamente después de la muerte de Franco (1976)? ¿De que se trata la ley de memoria histórica (2007?)? : [m] El pacto del silencio. La ley de memoria histórica trata de la identificación de las victimas de las fosas comunes y la prohibición de los simbolos franquistas, ¿Por qué la guerra civil española es una guerra olvidada en la historia?: [m] Fue una guerra muy famosa por las Brigadas Internacionales y fue facilmente olvidada por la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la victoria de Franco. , En el cuento de los censores, Como es natural, la condenó sin asco. Como también es natural, no pudo impedir que lo fusilaran al alba, una víctima más de su devoción por el trabajo." ¿Por qué crees que la autora utiliza esta estrategia?: [m] La ironía dramática demuestra lo absurdo de la censura y la falta de expresión del régimen de la dictadura, ¿Por qué se expandieron los bancos españoles a América Latina?: [m] Excendentes de recursos, Reducción de los márgenes de ganancias, Mercados maduros / bajos % de crecimiento y defensa vs takeovers.
    Created about 12 hours ago (2024-04-28)
  • Vocabulary Practice (2 words)
    Read the sentences and circle the correct vocabulary word for the blank.
    Example: The ______________ waves crashed along the beach.: [m] gigantic, The __________ on my grandmother’s ring is very beautiful. : gem
    Created about 14 hours ago (2024-04-27)
  • Shark-Coochie 2024 (7 words)
    Trivia to help you drink wine Swiftly
    Example: Name this song #1: Down Bad, Country where wine was first thought to be made: Armenia, Who is listed as a contributing artist to the "oddities" heard in Taylor Swift's new song, "Florida!!!": Emily Jean Stone AKA Emma Stone, Name this song #2: Fortnight
    Created about 17 hours ago (2024-04-27)
  • awdawd (3 words)
    Example: 121awd: [m] awdawd, 123aqwdasd: asd, 123123: [m] 123
    Created about 19 hours ago (2024-04-27)
  • Roux Quiz (5 words)
    Example: Where does the name Roux originate from?: [m] 1.) Louisiana, What coat print does Roux: [m] DAPPLES, WHAT DOES ROUX HAVE ON HIS HIND LEG?: [m] SOCK/ RELLOCK, WHAT IS ROUX MOST NATURAL GAIT?: [m] TROT
    Created about 23 hours ago (2024-04-27)
  • quiz (1 word)
    Example: Was hat torfhaltige Blumenerde mit dem Klimawandel zu tun?: [m] fdfdfdfd
    Created 1 day ago (2024-04-27)
  • Bridles (4 words)
    Example: Which type of Bridle is bitless: [m] Hackemore, What are the pieces of leather called which run down each side of the horses face: [m] Cheek Pieces, What kind of bit is classed as a mild bit: [m] Loose Ring Snaffle, What is the alternative fastening to a buckle type : [m] Billet
    Created 1 day ago (2024-04-27)
  • Who Knows Terry (7 words)
    The Man The Ministry Making Memories
    Example: Favorite Color: [m] Green, Favorite Beverage: [m] Coke, Favorite Food: [m] Cheese Fries from Outback, Favorite Music Artist: [m] Fred Hammond
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • Test Your Knowledge (7 words)
    Example: Which of the following does Lexington County Communications dispatch ALL municipalities for?: [m] EMS, What is the name of the system that pinpoints location on a map?: [m] Rapid SOS, What is the SITE KEY for Power DMS?: [m] LCCC, What is the address to the Sheriff's Department?: [m] 521 Gibson Rd
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • All about alexandra (7 words)
    who knows me best?
    Example: which is not one of my cats: [m] george, whats my fav color: purple, how many cats do have: [m] 7, what elective english did i take : the beat gen (poetry)
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • Finnegan Trivia (7 words)
    Example: Babe Ruth had 659 home runs. Who is right below him in the all time homeruns chart?: [m] Lou Gerhig, How many NFL teams play in the state of California?: [m] 3, How old is Adam Sandler?: [m] 57, What is 4 + 8 x 3 + 4 = ?: [m] 32
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • Finnegan Trivia (7 words)
    Example: What year were the Yankees established?: [m] 1903, What team won the Super Bowl that owns the song "Superbowl Shuffle" in 1985?: [m] Chicago Bears, How many kids were enrolled to Prairie Hill for the school year 2023-2024?: [m] 469, Which team in the NFL has 4 consecutive appearances in the Superbowl (1990-1993)??: [m] Buffalo Bills
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • Basic WFFD Driver Quiz (15 words)
    Example: How much 5 inch is suppose to be on top of the engines?: [m] 1200", The diameter of the blue hose on the crosslay?: [m] 2', If an engine calls for regen, but the situation is deemed unsafe to do so, how do you stop the regen process?: [m] Regen inhibit switch, What does DEF stand for?:
    Created by alextess - 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • AQL Progress (7 words)
    Example: How many AQL personal can be on a order ? : [m] 0, Can you AQL a tote that has not been inspected ?: [m] Ask a Manager, Are you limited to one lightbox when you AQL ?: [m] ----, After performing AQL where should you input the information ?: [m] ----
    Created by cheffenc - 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • AQL Progress (7 words)
    Example: How many AQL personal can be on a order ? : [m] 0, Can you AQL a tote that has not been inspected ?: [m] Ask a Manager, Are you limited to one lightbox when you AQL ?: [m] No way, After performing AQL where should you input the information ?: [m] ----
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • AQL Progress (7 words)
    Example: How many AQL personal can be on a order ? : [m] 0, Can you AQL a tote that has not been inspected ?: [m] Ask a Manager, Are you limited to one lightbox when you AQL ?: [m] , After performing AQL where should you input the information ?: [m] ----
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • AQL Progress (7 words)
    Example: How many AQL personal can be on a order ? : [m] , Can you AQL a tote that has not been inspected ?: [m] , Are you limited to one lightbox when you AQL ?: [m] , After performing AQL where should you input the information ?: [m]
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • AQL Progress (7 words)
    Example: How many AQL personal can be on a order ? : [m] , Can you AQL a tote that has not been inspected ?: [m] , Are you limited to one lightbox when you AQL ?: [m] , After performing AQL where should you input the information ?: [m]
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • AQL Progress (7 words)
    Example: How many AQL personal can be on a order ? : [m] , Can you AQL a tote that has not been inspected ?: [m] , Are you limited to one lightbox when you AQL ?: [m] , After performing AQL where should you input the information ?: [m]
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • 4th Benchmark U7W2 Vocab test (4 words)
    Example: What do you call it when you do something nobody else has done before? : [m] set a record, An synonym for being alone: [m] isolated, gathering or hiring people for a job: [m] recruiting, telling what you know under oath in the court of law: [m] testifying
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • Core Restore (7 words)
    Example: Core Support powder is designed to upregulate what phase?: [m] Phase 2, Why is it important to upregulate phase 2 first: [m] All of the above, How many conjugation pathways are there: [m] 6, What is the key metabolic engine of detoxification: ATP
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • Core Restore (7 words)
    Example: Core Support powder is designed to upregulate what phase?: [m] , Why is it important to upregulate phase 2 first: [m] All of the above, How many conjugation pathways are there: [m] 6, What is the key metabolic engine of detoxification: ATP
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • Core Restore (7 words)
    Example: Core Support powder is designed to upregulate what phase?: [m] , Why is it important to upregulate phase 2 first: [m] All of the above, How many conjugation pathways are there: [m] 6, What is the key metabolic engine of detoxification: ATP
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • Core Restore Toxins (7 words)
    Example: The process of turning toxins from fat soluble to water soluble is called what: Biotransformation, Core restore focuses in on what 3 phases of liver and kidney detoxification: Phase I, Phase, 2, Phase 3, What Phase moves the most slowly and thus is essential to upregulate before anything else: Phase 2, What are intermediary metabolites?: [m] All of the Above
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • Vocab Check in (7 words)
    Example: What does feast mean?: [m] a very large meal, What does cheered mean?: [m] to yell and clap, What does helpful mean?: [m] ready to give help, What does wildly mean?: [m] in a wild way
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • Vocab Check in (5 words)
    Example: What does feast mean?: [m] a very large meal, What does cheered mean?: [m] to yell and clap, What does helpful mean?: [m] ready to give help, What does wildly mean?: [m] in a wild way
    Created 2 days ago (2024-04-26)
  • Tim Ferriss Quiz (7 words)
    Example: What is the name of the angel investment advisor firm founded by Tim Ferriss?: AngelList, What was the first product Tim Ferriss created after leaving his first job?: A sports supplement., What subject was Tim's TED talk based on?: Fear-setting, What is the unique approach Tim Ferriss applies to learning new skills quickly?: DiSSS method: Deconstruction, Selection, Sequencing, and Stakes.
    Created 3 days ago (2024-04-25)
  • Béton de sable, QCM (6 words)
    Encerclez la bonne alternative:
    Example: Qu'elle est l'agrégat findu béton de sable: [m] Sable, Temps de durcissement du béton de sable est ... que celui du béton ordinaire: [m] Plus Lent, Les résultats pour l'application sont: [m] E= 1200 litres; S= 444.44 kg, Pour le même dosgae de sable, donnez le dosage de gravier adéquat;: [m] G= 55.5 kg
    Created 3 days ago (2024-04-25)
  • QCM (6 words)
    Béton de Sable
    Example: Qu'elle est l'agrégat findu béton de sable: [m] Sable, Temps de durcissement du béton de sable est ... que celui du béton ordinaire: [m] Plus Lent, Les résultats pour l'application sont: [m] E= 1200 litres; S= 444.44 kg, Pour le même dosgae de sable, donnez le dosage de gravier adéquat;: [m] G= 55.5 kg
    Created 3 days ago (2024-04-25)
  • Vocabulario (6 words)
    Example: Mascotas: Animal de compañía. , Justo: Que obra según justicia y razón., Fracturado: Romper o quebrantar con violencia algo, Conseguir: Alcanzar, obtener o lograr lo que se pretende o desea.
    Created 3 days ago (2024-04-25)
  • House of Thebes Quiz (5 words)
    Example: What is Oedipus's Crime?: Killing his Father , Who exiles Oedipus from the city?: [m] Creon, How does Antigone die?: [m] Executed after burying his brother illegally , Who solves the Sphinx's Riddle?: [m] Oedipus
    Created 3 days ago (2024-04-25)
  • Week of 4/22 Test (7 words)
    Example: A melody with in a piece of music is called a ___________.: [m] Theme, ____ is a musical sentence, often 4 or 8 measures long.: [m] Phrase, A group of Eighth notes are connected by a ________.: [m] Beam, An Accidental last till the end of the ___________.: [m] Measure
    Created 3 days ago (2024-04-25)
  • Surprise!! Let's see what we know!! (7 words)
    Things Supervisors "should know"!
    Example: What is the latest a Supervisor can request PTO?: [m] 1-week, Who do you send the term request template to?: [m] Your direct Manager( I send it the the DL, not you), What is required when an agent resigns when completing the termination?: [m] Resignation letter/email/text, TC, Term DL, How often should you conduct attendance audits?: [m] All of the above
    Created 4 days ago (2024-04-24)
  • Wellness Palooza Scavenger Hunt - Week 1 (9 words)
    Find the word using the correct answers. :)
    Example: What is the smallest bone in the human body?: [m] Stapesare, This is the size of your fist and has three layers: [m] Uterus, Which is NOT a correct abbreviation for R&R?: [m] Rock and Roll, What is the correct plural word for "Flex"?: [m] Flexes
    Created by kimmiecab - 4 days ago (2024-04-24)
  • Wellness Palooza Scavenger Hunt - Week 1 (7 words)
    Find the word using the correct answers. :)
    Example: What is the smallest bone in the human body?: [m] Stapesare, This is the size of your fist and has three layers: [m] Uterus, Which is NOT a correct abbreviation for R&R?: [m] Rock and Roll, What is the correct plural word for "Flex"?: [m] Flexes
    Created 4 days ago (2024-04-24)
  • Election Quiz (5 words)
    Example: What is an election?: [m] Decision made by voting, What happens on Election Day?: [m] Adults go and vote, What does running for office mean?: [m] Someone is trying to get a special job, Who has the right to vote?: [m] Citizens over the age of 18
    Created 4 days ago (2024-04-24)
  • Quiz TIme (7 words)
    Example: Who among this team (present here) is the longest member in SLB ?: , When was SLB (Schlumberger founded) ?: , How many centers is the Maxwell Applications Team spread across ?: , Which year did your direct/reporting manager join SLB ?:
    Created 4 days ago (2024-04-24)
  • SMEP Forman Meeting 04/24/2024 (5 words)
    Example: What does PTP stand for? : [m] Pre Task Planning , How often should you be doing your Site Inspections : [m] Daily, How soon after an accident or near miss should you contact ACCO/Smith Safety : [m] Immediately , What is Travis Walker Cell Number : [m] 661 770-8551
    Created 4 days ago (2024-04-24)
  • World War I Unit Test (7 words)
    Example: What did the Germans originally hope to accomplish with the Zimmerman Telegram?: [m] A military alliance with Mexico against the United States., How did the involvement of the United States in World War I change the war? : [m] It tipped the balance of power, as the Allies and the Central Powers had been closely matched for most of the war until then., Why did the US Senate refuse to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?: [m] It did not accept the creation of the League of Nations., Which New York neighborhood was particularly known for attracting artists, writers, performers, and musicians from the Great Migration? : [m] Harlem
    Created 4 days ago (2024-04-24)
  • Reading- Word reading (7 words)
    Example: What is a root word?: The simplest form of a word, What are root words also known as?: [m] base words, Which of these can stand alone: [m] Root words, What is the prefix and suffix of the word 'unemployment'?: UN= prefix MENT= suffix
    Created 4 days ago (2024-04-24)
  • Estroctura 1.1 (7 words)
    Nouns and Articles
    Example: La is a common (blank) beginning : [m] Feminine, El is a common (blank) beginning: [m] Masculine, Los is a common (blank) beginning: [m] Masculine, Las is a common (blank) beginning: [m] Feminine
    Created 5 days ago (2024-04-23)
  • Narrative writing (5 words)
    Example: this is a disagreement between two or more persons in the story.: [m] Conflict, This is where the story takes place. : [m] Setting, These are the persons who playa role in the story.: [m] Character, This is when a series of events happen in a specific order.: [m] plot
    Created 5 days ago (2024-04-23)
  • Nutrition and Hydration (7 words)
    For ERS team
    Example: What does MUST stand for?: Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool, Name 3 signs of Malnutrition : loose DEntures, Loose collars or cuffs, Belt Pulled in , finds hard to keep warm, feeling more tired, poor appetite, not going to shops, what are some potential implications of malnutrition?: delay wound healing, reduced mobility, longer hospital stays higher risk of Falls, reduced BP, Name 3 signs of Dehydration: confusion, nausea, headache, dizzzyness, weakness, constipation, UTIs pressure sores, risk of falls
    Created 5 days ago (2024-04-23)
  • World Safety Day 2024 QUIZ (7 words)
    Example: What date is World Safety Day 2024?: [m] 28th April, When did World Safety Day launch?: [m] 2003, What Notice Board is nearest our Health & Safety Board in Store? : [m] Policies & Procedures, Our Store's Assembly point is ? : [m] Access Point 4 , Next to Blue Building
    Created 5 days ago (2024-04-23)
  • Unit 5 week 5 Vocabulary Quiz (7 words)
    Example: The study of the way humans lived a long time ago: Archeology, Something meant to keep a record: Document, A period of time in history, often starting with an important event: Era, Proof of something: Evidence
    Created 5 days ago (2024-04-23)
  • General knowledge quiz (7 words)
    Brushstrokes ESOL Entry 2
    Example: What special event did Suki participate in?: [m] , Wnen did the Total Solar Eclipse take place : [m] , Who won the Mini Marathon 3 times ?: [m] , When and where did the first Marathon take place?: [m]
    Created 6 days ago (2024-04-22)
  • Douglass Dean Portrait Trivia (7 words)
    Visit the portraits of the nine Douglass Deans before Jackie - answer all the trivia questions correctly and win a prize!
    Example: Whose portrait is hanging in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington D.C.?: Jewel Plummer Cobb, Whose portrait was painted by Gordon Stevenson?: Mabel Smith Douglass, Who is seated on a red chair in her portrait?: Margery Somers Foster, Whose portrait has dates in Roman numerals?: Carmen Twillie Ambar
    Created 6 days ago (2024-04-22)
  • Quran Introduction (6 words)
    Example: Have you previously engaged in Quran studies? : [m] Yes, On a scale of one to five, how confident are you in your ability to recite the Quran? (With five being the highest value): [m] 1, Are you able to confidently recite Quran without frequently stopping or stuttering?: [m] Yes, Have you memorised sections of the Quran?: [m] Yes
    Created 7 days ago (2024-04-21)
  • Quran Introduction (6 words)
    Example: Have you previously engaged in Quran studies? : [m] Yes, On a scale of one to five, how confident are you in your ability to recite the Quran? (With five being the highest value): [m] 1, Are you able to confidently recite Quran without frequently stopping or stuttering?: [m] Yes, Have you memorised sections of the Quran?: [m] Yes
    Created 7 days ago (2024-04-21)
  • Interro sur le Cas de Victor de l'Aveyron (7 words)
    Contrôle des connaissances
    Example: De quels aliments Victor vivait-il dans les bois?: des racines et des glands, Quel est le nom du traité de Rousseau qui affirme que le développement naturel de l'enfant doit être protégé des méfaits de la société ?: Émile, Vrai ou Faux: Philippe Pinel a déclaré que le tempérament de Victor était résultat d'une pure idiotie et qui'il était tout simplement incurable: Vrai, Vrai ou Faux: Itard partage la position de Pinel sur l'état de Victor: Faux
    Created by abrooks27 - 8 days ago (2024-04-21)
  • MotoJitsu (5 words)
    Example: How do you swerve right? : [m] Push right (or pull left), Add preload if the sag is: [m] Too much, Your rear tire is 190/55ZR17, what does Z mean?: [m] Speed rating, What helps your compression damping when going over a bump?: [m] The spring
    Created 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • MotoJitsu (5 words)
    Example: How do you swerve right? : [m] Push right (or pull left), Add preload if the sag is: [m] Too much, Your rear tire is 190/55ZR17, what does Z mean?: [m] Speed rating, What helps your compression damping going over a bump?: [m] The spring
    Created 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • MotoJitsu (5 words)
    Example: How do you swerve right? : [m] Push right (or pull left), Add preload if the sag is: [m] Too much, Your rear tire is 190/55ZR17, what is Z mean?: [m] Speed rating, What helps your compression damping going over a bump?: [m] The spring
    Created 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • MotoJitsu (4 words)
    Example: How do you swerve right? : [m] Push right (or pull left), Add preload if the sag is: [m] Too much, Your rear tire is 190/55ZR17, what is Z mean?: [m] Speed rating, What helps your compression damping going over a bump?: [m] The spring
    Created 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • Ecological Succession (4 words)
    Example: Primary succession starts from nothing: [m] True, The Climax community is the stage in the middle of ecological succession: [m] False, Ecological succession is the process by which the mix of species and habitat in an area changes over time: [m] True, Secondary succession happens after forest wildfires, regrowth after a hurricane, or renewal after a plant disease.: [m] True
    Created 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • Ecological Succession (4 words)
    Example: Primary succession starts from nothing: [m] True, The Climax community is the stage in the middle of ecological succession: [m] False, Ecological succession is the process by which the mix of species and habitat in an area changes over time: [m] True, Secondary succession happens after forest wildfires, regrowth after a hurricane, or renewal after a plant disease.: [m] True
    Created 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • Health: minerals and vitimins (7 words)
    Example: The eight vitamins that work together: [m] Vitamins B, The mineral tha helps your thyroid gland function properly: [m] Iodine, The vitamin that helps your blood clot: [m] vitamin K, The vitamin that helps your eyesight: [m] Vitamin A
    Created 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • Planets quiz (7 words)
    Answer the questions to the best of your ablility.
    Example: Which planet is closest to the sun?: [m] Mercury, Which planet is the only livable planet?: [m] Earth, which planet has two moons?: [m] Mars, What is retrograde rotation?: [m] Rotates in the opposite direction
    Created 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • UNIT 4 VOCABULARY QUIZ (5 words)
    Example: :the force applied in one direction is greater than the force applied in the opposite direction.: Unbalanced Force, Balanced force: , unbalanced force: , inertia:
    Created 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • Vocabulary Quiz (7 words)
    Example: Unit of measurement for electric current: [m] amp, A closed conducting circle or loop through which current can flow..: [m] Circuit, Unit of electrical resistance: [m] Ohm, Unit of measure for the difference of potential that would drive one amp of current against one ohm resistance.: [m] Volt
    Created 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • Vocabulary Quiz (7 words)
    Example: Unit of measurement for electric current: amp, A closed conducting circle or loop through which current can flow..: Circuit, Unit of electrical resistance: Ohm, Unit of measure for the difference of potential that would drive one amp of current against one ohm resistance.: Volt
    Created 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • Quiz #2 - Chapters 1-10 (10 words)
    The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
    Example: Mr Grummage was responsible for making sure Charlotte made it safely on the ship.: [m] True, 3 different families were going to be traveling with Charlotte.: [m] False, Charlotte boarded the ship in Liverpool: [m] True, Zachariah did not want to be Charlotte's friend. : [m] False
    Created by ashleyefolger - 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • Quiz - Chapters 1-10 (10 words)
    The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
    Example: What was the name of the ship Charlotte was on?: [m] The Seahawk, What was the Ship Captains Name?: [m] Jaggery, What is a Dirk?: [m] Knife, A Round Robin is a sign of rebellion?: [m] True
    Created by ashleyefolger - 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • Newsela Homework (6 words)
    Example: What is the article's main text structure?: [m] problem/solution, Why does Thomas Bogle want to change the way shoes are made?: , Remember to: : , *restate the question:
    Created 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • Brooklyn Tech Football - Unit 2 Defense (7 words)
    Example: Which way does the safety rock towards as an initial resort?: [m] The side with more receivers (including tight ends), Which gap is between the guard and the tackle?: [m] B gap, What does a safety do in cover 4?: [m] Be the force man , What does a corner do in cover 4?: [m] Back pedal 3 steps and always play zone initially
    Created 9 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • mppla (5 words)
    Example: what is the name of the old smurf?: [m] papa smurf, whats the name of the cat?: [m] azriel, whats the name of the girl smurf?: [m] smurfette, what is the name of the smart smurf?: brainy smurf
    Created 10 days ago (2024-04-19)
  • QUIZ TIME (5 words)
    Example: By what age does a majority of the US have their first drink? : [m] 14, What are the main ingredients in alcohol? : [m] Ethanol and Water, Alcohol is acid in the cavity equation? : [m] True, Where is a common place to find cancer in the mouth?: [m] Side of the tongue
    Created 10 days ago (2024-04-18)
  • Pharmacy Call Center Trivia (7 words)
    Example: This is needed when member is leaving the country for more than 1 month or leaving the state and cannot fill the medication out of state.: Vacation Override, Annual event celebrated on April 22nd to demonstrate support for environmental protection.: Earth day , If the provider indicates on the request that they are submitting a reconsideration and/or would like the PA to be re-reviewed.: Appeal , Refers to a spreadsheet that provides accurate and up-to-date information about medications, drug interactions, dosages, and other pharmaceutical-related data. Similar to Coding Spreadsheet.: Source of truth
    Created 10 days ago (2024-04-18)
  • Chapter 6 Test (7 words)
    Example: What is the chemical signal that a nerve cell releases?: [m] neurotransmitter, What system consists of the brain and spinal cord?: [m] central nervous system, What part of the brain controls impulses?: [m] frontal lobe, What part of the brain controls the 5 senses?: [m] parietal lobe
    Created 10 days ago (2024-04-18)
  • Chapter 6 Test (7 words)
    Example: What does it mean to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide?: [m] respiration, What does it mean to flow in a circular pattern?: [m] circulate, In what system does blood have DIRECT contact with cells?: [m] open circulatory system, In what system does blood stay in vessels at all times?: [m] closed circulatory system
    Created 10 days ago (2024-04-18)
  • Chapter 6 Test (7 words)
    Example: What is a way of getting food by straining it out of water?: [m] filter feeding, What is an animal that only eats plants?: [m] herbivore, What is an animal that only eats other animals?: [m] carnivore, What is an animal that eats both plants and other animals?: [m] omnivore
    Created 10 days ago (2024-04-18)
  • Shark Quiz (7 words)
    Example: What environment does a shark live in?: [m] All of the above, How many species of sharks are there?: [m] Over 300, What is their diet?: [m] All of the above, What did sharks evolve from?: [m] Eyeless, finless, boneless, leaf-shaped fish
    Created 10 days ago (2024-04-18)
  • Reptile, fish & amphibians (6 words)
    Example: a shark is a type of: [m] fish, a snake is a type of: [m] reptile, a newt is a type of: [m] amphibian, a seahorse is a type of: [m] fish
    Created 10 days ago (2024-04-18)
  • HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW ME (6 words)
    Created 10 days ago (2024-04-18)
  • Date test 2 (7 words)
    Example: Création des CÉGEP.: 1967, Visite du président de la république française.: 1967, Adoption juridique de la femme mariée.: 1964, Nationalisation de l'hydroélectricité.: 1964
    Created 10 days ago (2024-04-18)
  • Test your Health & Safety Knowledge (7 words)
    Example: How many first aid kits are in the station?: [m] 7, How many Labeled Emergency Exits do we have and where are they located?: 4, Gate 1 and Gate, Front doors Left and Righ, In case of a station emergency evacuation, who do you report to as an employee to communicate your whereabouts and in what location should you direct yourself?: Report to Station incharge, direct yourself to EMO marshaling Area, What are the 3 preferred steps to take in an active shooter situation?: Run, Hide, Fight
    Created 11 days ago (2024-04-17)
  • WHAT DO YOU KNOW? (7 words)
    Example: What is the best practice for reviewing the Coding Priority, Waiting, and Missing Documentation WQs?: [m] Daily, What is the best practice to follow when you come across a record of a relative or personal acquaintance while entering charges and/or coding?: [m] Both B and D, As long as you have authorization to view PHI, it is ok to do so, at any time, regardless of the reason: [m] False, When sending a chart to Coding Manager Review, you should add a comment of what review is needed.: [m] True
    Created 11 days ago (2024-04-17)
  • Figurative Language (6 words)
    Example: Hyperbole : Hyperbole an exaggeration, Personification: Giving human qualities to an object or animal, Metaphor: A comparison that does not include the word like or as, Idiom: An expression whose meaning is different from the meaning of its individualwords (non-literal)
    Created 11 days ago (2024-04-17)

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