Plagues in Egypt

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. In what form did God come to Moses? A burning bush (wrong answers: A pharaoh , A pyramid, A locust)
  2. What did God want Moses to tell the pharaoh? Release the people of Israel (wrong answers: To ask for rain, To leave Egypt, To let him rule Egypt )
  3. True or False: The pharaoh immediately released all of the people of Israel False (wrong answers: True)
  4. What plagues did God send to Egypt? All of the above (wrong answers: He sent frogs, gnats, and flies, He turned the Nile River into blood, He sent hail, boils, and locusts)
  5. What was the final plague God sent to Egypt? Took the life of every first born son (wrong answers: A huge earthquake, Turned the sand to glass, Starved them of food)
  6. *Bonus* What was put over the doorway of homes to keep the Angel of Death away? Blood from a lamb

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