Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What color is New Holland equipment? Red (wrong answers: Black , Green, Blue , Orange )
  2. What does deciduous mean? A tree that sheds leaves annually (wrong answers: A tree that has pine needles, A miniature tree, A tree that has a poor root system, A tree that grows over 30 feet tall)
  3. What is another name for Hazelnut? Filbert (wrong answers: Brazil nut , Cashew, Peanut , Almond)
  4. What is the common name for Acer palmatum? Japanese Maple (wrong answers: Blue Spruce , Boxwood, Cedar , Beech )
  5. How far can a bee fly from its hive to collect nectar? Up to 2 miles (wrong answers: Up to 10 feet , Up to 5 miles , Up to 100 miles , Up to 100 feet )
  6. About how much honey does one bee produce in its lifetime? 1 tablespoon (wrong answers: 1 gallon , 1 quart , 1 cup , 1 pint )
  7. What are you called if you are a professional beekeeper? Apiarist (wrong answers: Pianist, Pragmatist, Botanist, Beeist)

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