
Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What is Barbie full name Barbara Millicent Robert (wrong answers: Barbie Ruth Handler , Barbara lily Robert )
  2. Who created Barbie Ruth Handler (wrong answers: Lily Handler , Milly Handler )
  3. When did the first Barbie come out 1959 (wrong answers: 1960 , 1962, 1960 , 1962)
  4. Barbies favoruite colour Pink (wrong answers: Yellow, purple , Yellow, purple )
  5. When did the first dream house come out. 1962 (wrong answers: 1977, 1974)
  6. When did the first black Barbie come out. 1968 (wrong answers: 1980, 1981)
  7. When was the first Barbie movie released 2001 (wrong answers: 1999, 2006)

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