
Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. This organ in a bird's digestive system grinds their food, since they have no teeth. gizzard (wrong answers: stomach, spleen, kidney)
  2. A crocodile’s snout is what shape? A shaped (wrong answers: P shaped, U shaped, Z shaped)
  3. This is the term for the great change that an amphibian goes through during it's development from an egg to a larva to an adult. metamorphosis (wrong answers: chrysalis, cacoon, tadpole)
  4. What are the five major groups of vertebrates? Mammals, Birds, Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles (wrong answers: Mammals, Elephants, Kangaroo, Fish, Squid, Vertebrates, Invertebrates, Aliens, Fish, Amphibians, Flying Birds, Non-Flight Birds, Fish, Stingray, Mammals)
  5. What are the largest animals in the world (land or sea)? Whales (wrong answers: Elephants, Loch-ness Monster, Giant Squid)
  6. 6. This group of primates has tails. Monkeys (wrong answers: Stingrays, Beavers, Squirrel)
  7. Marsupials live primarily in these areas. Australia and Tasmania (wrong answers: United States and Canada, North America and South America, Texas and Vermont)

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