Page 4

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. This kind of whale has humongous comb-like filters that help it to get food. Baleen whale (wrong answers: Beluga Whale, Humpback Whale, Orca)
  2. These special organs inside of fish help them to remove oxygen from the water. This is how they breathe. gills (wrong answers: fins, swim bladders, fish eyes)
  3. These are some examples of cartilaginous fish. sharks, sting rays, lampreys (wrong answers: perch, bass, flounder, blowfish, parrot fish, frogs , whales and dophins)
  4. These two organs are unique to a birds digestive system, and help them to digest food very efficiently. crop and gizzard (wrong answers: lungs and spleen, kidneys and swim bladders, heart and lungs)
  5. Which kind of monkeys live in Asia and Africa? Old World monkeys (wrong answers: Capuchan monkeys, White Tailed monkeys, Great American monkeys)
  6. 6. This group of primates has tails. Monkeys (wrong answers: Stingrays, Beavers, Squirrel)
  7. This line of highly sensitive nerves along a fishes back help them to sense slight changes in current, temperature, and pressure. lateral line (wrong answers: spine, vertebrate, vertical line)

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