Social studies chapter four part two

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. Someone who is remembered for Bravery or good deeds Hero (wrong answers: Fiction, Custom, Colony)
  2. Someone who has served in the armed forces Veteran (wrong answers: Colony, Hero, Custom)
  3. A part of a story that is true Facts (wrong answers: Folk tale, Fiction, Landmark)
  4. Make believe parts in a story Fiction (wrong answers: Facts, Folk tale, Custom)
  5. A story from monaco about the lives of real people Folk tale (wrong answers: Fact, Fiction, Is holiday)
  6. A story that starts off sounding true but is mostly fiction Tall tale (wrong answers: Fiction, Tradition, Folk tale)
  7. A structure that is important to a particular Place Landmark (wrong answers: Tradition, Fiction, Tall tale)

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