Geography Q1

Latitude & Longitude

    Which direction do latitude lines run?
    A. north and south B. east and west C. west and south D. north and east
    Latitude and longitude serves what primary purpose?
    A. to find absolute location. B. to know how fast ships are traveling. C. to identify if a storm is moving in. D. to draw nicer looking maps.
    How are latitude and longitude lines measured?
    A. degrees B. knots C. miles D. kilometres
    What imaginary line divides the Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
    A. equator B. axis C. prime meridian D. parallel
    Longitude lines are called...
    A. parallels B. axis C. meridians D. locations
    Where is the starting point for measuring latitude?
    A. prime meridian B. longitude C. equator D. absolute location
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Geography Q1 (Answer Key)

Latitude & Longitude

    Which direction do latitude lines run?
    A. north and south B. east and west C. west and south D. north and east
    Latitude and longitude serves what primary purpose?
    A. to find absolute location. B. to know how fast ships are traveling. C. to identify if a storm is moving in. D. to draw nicer looking maps.
    How are latitude and longitude lines measured?
    A. degrees B. knots C. miles D. kilometres
    What imaginary line divides the Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
    A. equator B. axis C. prime meridian D. parallel
    Longitude lines are called...
    A. parallels B. axis C. meridians D. locations
    Where is the starting point for measuring latitude?
    A. prime meridian B. longitude C. equator D. absolute location

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