Gardeners Quiz

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. You decide to buy a new car worth $20,000. The car is to be used for the first 5 years by your teenage son Jimmy. After a couple of weeks you start to notice the car is quite dirty and does Feel a bit annoyed and give Jimmy a clip around the ear. (wrong answers: Smile and say thats fine its OK, Ignore it)
  2. You are using a piece of machinery and accidentaly break something. Your feeling a bit silly because it could have been avoided. What do you do? Report it so we can get it fixed and reduce the likely hood of it happening again. (wrong answers: Put it back in the container, Carry on using it , it will be OK, Take it home and try and fix it)
  3. How would you describe the weed "Old Mans Beard" ? clematis and prolific climbing weed. It smothers trees and shrubs in gardens and native forest. (wrong answers: A cactus type plant, Small compact weed that is used for bedding, Upright plant with purple flowers)
  4. What is the largest sized weed (in height or diameter) you can have in a Grade 3 garden? 200mm (wrong answers: 1cm, 1 meter)
  5. What is the largest sized weed (in height or diameter) you can have in a Grade 1 garden? 50mm (wrong answers: 20mm, 5 meters)
  6. Shepherds purse weed seed can last up to what amount of time in the soil for? Decades (wrong answers: 10 minutes, 10 minutes, Forever)
  7. The SDC decide to spend $20,000 on a new garden. It looks great and the SDC want us to maintain it. Over the following weeks it gets covered in weeds and a real mess. How does the SDC react to Feel a bit annoyed and give Jimmy a clip around the ear. (wrong answers: Smile and say thats fine its OK, Ignore it)

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