Post- Professional Development Quiz

  • 1. Juvenile Justice System
  • 2. Foster Care System
  • 3. Congregate home
  • 4. Biological Family
  • 5. Foster Family
  • 6. Kinship home
  • 7. Foster Boarding home
  • a. Placement setting that consists of 24-hour supervision for children in highly structured settings such as group homes, childcare institutions, residential treatment facilities, or maternity homes.
  • b. Refers to a family and its members who are related by blood.
  • c. A family that provides custody or guardianship for children whose parents are unable to look after them.
  • d. A placement with families that are unknown to the child.
  • e. A placement that can occur when a public child welfare agency has legal custody and places a child with relatives or kin in a foster care arrangement.
  • f. A temporary service provided by States for children who cannot live with their families. Sometimes referred to as Out-of-Home care.
  • g. The structure of the criminal legal system that deals with crimes committed by minors, usually between the ages of 10 and 18 years.
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Post- Professional Development Quiz (Answer Key)

  • g 1. Juvenile Justice System
  • f 2. Foster Care System
  • a 3. Congregate home
  • b 4. Biological Family
  • c 5. Foster Family
  • e 6. Kinship home
  • d 7. Foster Boarding home
  • a. Placement setting that consists of 24-hour supervision for children in highly structured settings such as group homes, childcare institutions, residential treatment facilities, or maternity homes.
  • b. Refers to a family and its members who are related by blood.
  • c. A family that provides custody or guardianship for children whose parents are unable to look after them.
  • d. A placement with families that are unknown to the child.
  • e. A placement that can occur when a public child welfare agency has legal custody and places a child with relatives or kin in a foster care arrangement.
  • f. A temporary service provided by States for children who cannot live with their families. Sometimes referred to as Out-of-Home care.
  • g. The structure of the criminal legal system that deals with crimes committed by minors, usually between the ages of 10 and 18 years.

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