Facts about Martin Luther King Jr

Look at the video and choose the correct answer

    When was Martin Luther King Jr born?
    A. In January 1949 B. In January 1929 C. In January 1939
    What were his grandfather and his father's jobs?
    A. They were Baptist ministers B. They were doctors C. They were politicians
    How old was MLK when he graduated from high school?
    A. 16 B. 18 C. 15
    What did MLK study at college?
    A. Geology B. Theology C. Biology
    What year did the Montgomery bus boycott begin?
    A. 1955 B. 1965 C. 1956
    How long did the Montgomery bus boycott last for?
    A. 318 days B. 81 days C. 381 days
    How many speeches did Dr King give between 1957 and 1968?
    A. 6 million B. 500 C. 2500
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Facts about Martin Luther King Jr (Answer Key)

Look at the video and choose the correct answer

    When was Martin Luther King Jr born?
    A. In January 1949 B. In January 1929 C. In January 1939
    What were his grandfather and his father's jobs?
    A. They were Baptist ministers B. They were doctors C. They were politicians
    How old was MLK when he graduated from high school?
    A. 16 B. 18 C. 15
    What did MLK study at college?
    A. Geology B. Theology C. Biology
    What year did the Montgomery bus boycott begin?
    A. 1955 B. 1965 C. 1956
    How long did the Montgomery bus boycott last for?
    A. 318 days B. 81 days C. 381 days
    How many speeches did Dr King give between 1957 and 1968?
    A. 6 million B. 500 C. 2500

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