Stable Nucli

girl you know the vibes

    How can an atoms nucleus be stable
    How are elements with fewer protons (one near the top)of the PT more stable
    What happens as the number of protons increase
    What happens when nuclei have too many or too few neutrons exist naturally
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Stable Nucli (Answer Key)

girl you know the vibes

    How can an atoms nucleus be stable
    If it has a certain amount of neutrons for the amount of protons it has
    How are elements with fewer protons (one near the top)of the PT more stable
    They have the same neutrons and prions
    What happens as the number of protons increase
    More neutrons are needed to keep the nucleus stable
    What happens when nuclei have too many or too few neutrons exist naturally
    They are unstable and will decay by emitting radiation

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