Multiplying Fractions

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. What is 2/3 of 90? 60 (wrong answers: 18, 45, 30)
  2. A dime is 1/2 inch wide. If you put 5 dimes end to end, how long would they be from beginning to end? 2 1/2 (wrong answers: 5/10, 1/2, 1 1/2)
  3. You have 2/3 of a pumpkin pie left over from Thanksgiving. You want to give 1/2 of it to your sister. How much of the whole pumpkin pie will this be? 2/6 (wrong answers: 2/5, 1/4, 1/5)
  4. Which answers below have a product equal to 1/4? 2 x 2/16 = (wrong answers: 1/2 x 1/2 = , 3 x 1/2 = , 2 x 1/4 = , 3 x 1/12 = , 1 1/2 x 1/6 = )
  5. Multiply 3 1/3 and 4 2/5. 14 10/15 (wrong answers: 14 2/5, 12 1/2, 18 10/15)
  6. The distance around the park is 54 meters. If you rode your bike around the park 2 1/3 times, how many miles did you ride in all? 126 meters (wrong answers: 81 1/3 meters , 108 1/3 meters, 132 meters )
  7. 1/3 of the students in band play a woodwind instrument. Of those students 1/2 play the clarinet. What fraction of the students in the band play the clarinet? 1/6 (wrong answers: 1/2 , 2/3, 1/5)

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