Chapter 14 lesson 4

Created by etabales

Question or Hint Answer or Word
  1. How were most enslave people employed on plantations? field hands (wrong answers: domestics, carpenters, factory workers)
  2. Which of the following was part of the Slave Codes? written passes to leave the property (wrong answers: hours enslaved people could work, number of children permitted on the plantation, permission to learn to read and write)
  3. What did the thriving economy of the South depend on? slavery (wrong answers: canals, tobacco, social media)
  4. Who were the largest group of whites in the South? yeoman (wrong answers: plantation workers, rural poor, the rich)
  5. Why did enslaved people need an extended family as a measure of security? families were often separated (wrong answers: large families could do more work, large families could help one another run away, easier for large groups to escape )
  6. What was one purpose of spirituals? to communicate secretly (wrong answers: to determine how to elect a leader, to express thanks to the plantation owner, to teach children to read)
  7. Enslaved people expressed their beliefs in religious folk songs called spirituals (wrong answers: hymns, psalms, slave codes)

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