Name: ___________________________________
Date: ___________________________________

Unit 1 Vocab Quiz

6th Grade

  • government where power of authority figures is restricted and all citizens, including all authority figures, must obey the laws.
  • countries share a common border. For example, a country's neighbors are all the countries that border a common country.
  • a city where a region's government is located. This is where government buildings are and where government leaders work
  • a symbol on a map that shows the cardinal directions which are North, South, East and West.
  • a spatial area of land that is unified by a common characteristic, such as political unity, linguistic unity, or common climate patterns.
  • government where power is placed solely with the ruler and his/her appointees, and there are no limits imposed on his/her authority.
  • areas where many people live and work, resulting in very dense development. These are usually cities or the downtown areas of larger towns. The ground is mostly taken up by roads, sidewalks, buildings, and maybe small grassy areas.
  • Region
  • Limited Government
  • Unlimited Government
  • Large Urban Area
  • Compass Rose
  • Capital
  • Country Neighbors
Answer Key
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Name: ___________________________________
Date: ___________________________________

Unit 1 Vocab Quiz (Answer Key)

6th Grade

  • government where power of authority figures is restricted and all citizens, including all authority figures, must obey the laws.
  • countries share a common border. For example, a country's neighbors are all the countries that border a common country.
  • a city where a region's government is located. This is where government buildings are and where government leaders work
  • a symbol on a map that shows the cardinal directions which are North, South, East and West.
  • a spatial area of land that is unified by a common characteristic, such as political unity, linguistic unity, or common climate patterns.
  • government where power is placed solely with the ruler and his/her appointees, and there are no limits imposed on his/her authority.
  • areas where many people live and work, resulting in very dense development. These are usually cities or the downtown areas of larger towns. The ground is mostly taken up by roads, sidewalks, buildings, and maybe small grassy areas.
  • Region
  • Limited Government
  • Unlimited Government
  • Large Urban Area
  • Compass Rose
  • Capital
  • Country Neighbors

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