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An Early Childcare Providers Guide to Managing Challenging Behaviors

  • 1. What is Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • 2. Behavior
  • 3. Planned Ignoring
  • 4. Positive Attention
  • 5. Main Qualities of Children with ASD/ or behaviors problems
  • 6. Children with behavior problems
  • 7. Differential Reinforcement
  • a. Is a good way to teach children and motivate them to continue being good.
  • b. Social(Limited eye contact, problems keeping friends), Language & Communication(Talks about the same topic over & over again), Repetitive interest/behaviors and Physical characteristics. (Has a hard time with changes in routine)
  • c. Only desired behaviors & simultaneously ignoring undesired behaviors
  • d. Can benefit from interventions used for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Some Ways
  • e. Any action that a person does that can be observed or measured. Does not refer to some quality, characteristics, or state or a person.
  • f. Having difficulty in social interactions, language, and communication, and often showing repetitive interests or behaviors.
  • g. One of the best ways to reduce attention getting misbehavior is to ignore it. Ignoring means not looking not scolding/reprimanding, not noticing at all!
Answer Key
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Name: ___________________________________
Date: ___________________________________

An Early Childcare Providers Guide to Managing Challenging Behaviors (Answer Key)

  • f 1. What is Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • e 2. Behavior
  • g 3. Planned Ignoring
  • a 4. Positive Attention
  • b 5. Main Qualities of Children with ASD/ or behaviors problems
  • d 6. Children with behavior problems
  • c 7. Differential Reinforcement
  • a. Is a good way to teach children and motivate them to continue being good.
  • b. Social(Limited eye contact, problems keeping friends), Language & Communication(Talks about the same topic over & over again), Repetitive interest/behaviors and Physical characteristics. (Has a hard time with changes in routine)
  • c. Only desired behaviors & simultaneously ignoring undesired behaviors
  • d. Can benefit from interventions used for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Some Ways
  • e. Any action that a person does that can be observed or measured. Does not refer to some quality, characteristics, or state or a person.
  • f. Having difficulty in social interactions, language, and communication, and often showing repetitive interests or behaviors.
  • g. One of the best ways to reduce attention getting misbehavior is to ignore it. Ignoring means not looking not scolding/reprimanding, not noticing at all!

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