Lesson 2

  • 1. God sent the ________ to see Zechariah, the priest.
  • 2. Zechariah was in the _______ of the temple.
  • 3. Zechariah had prayed that he and Elizabeth would have _______.
  • 4. The angel told Zechariah not __________.
  • 5. The angel told Zechariah that his prayer _________.
  • 6. _________ would have a son and his name would be John.
  • 7. Zechariah _________ the angel.
  • a. didn't believe
  • b. Elizabeth
  • c. was heard
  • d. Holy Place
  • e. angel Gabriel
  • f. a child
  • g. to be afraid
Answer Key
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Lesson 2 (Answer Key)

  • e 1. God sent the ________ to see Zechariah, the priest.
  • d 2. Zechariah was in the _______ of the temple.
  • f 3. Zechariah had prayed that he and Elizabeth would have _______.
  • g 4. The angel told Zechariah not __________.
  • c 5. The angel told Zechariah that his prayer _________.
  • b 6. _________ would have a son and his name would be John.
  • a 7. Zechariah _________ the angel.
  • a. didn't believe
  • b. Elizabeth
  • c. was heard
  • d. Holy Place
  • e. angel Gabriel
  • f. a child
  • g. to be afraid

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