Records Management Definitions

Frequently Used Records Management Definitions

  • The designated public record, when multiple copies exist.
  • Person or person(s) responsible for managing records.
  • The process that a destruction log must go through.
  • The group, department or office in an organization responsible for maintaining the official records for the total records retention period.
  • The City’s guide for the retention and disposition of public records.
  • The process of eliminating or deleting data, documents and records so that the recorded information no longer exists.
  • Electronic database to store records.
  • Destruction
  • Approval
  • All City Employees
  • Office of Record
  • Laserfiche or Records Management System
  • Official Copy
  • Records Retention Schedule
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Records Management Definitions (Answer Key)

Frequently Used Records Management Definitions

  • The designated public record, when multiple copies exist.
  • Person or person(s) responsible for managing records.
  • The process that a destruction log must go through.
  • The group, department or office in an organization responsible for maintaining the official records for the total records retention period.
  • The City’s guide for the retention and disposition of public records.
  • The process of eliminating or deleting data, documents and records so that the recorded information no longer exists.
  • Electronic database to store records.
  • Destruction
  • Approval
  • All City Employees
  • Office of Record
  • Laserfiche or Records Management System
  • Official Copy
  • Records Retention Schedule

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