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Economics Chapter 2; Section 3-4

Created by jrogers

  • 1. Laissez faire
  • 2. competition
  • 3. specialization
  • 4. mixed economy
  • 5. global economy
  • a. the effort of two or more people acting independently to get business by offering the best deal
  • b. a situation that occurs when individuals or businesses concentrate thier efforts in the area in which they have advantage for increased productivity and profit
  • c. The princple that the government should not interfere in the economy
  • d. all economic interactions that across international boundaries
  • e. an economic system that has elements of traditional, command, and market economies: the most common economic system
Answer Key
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Name: ___________________________________
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Economics Chapter 2; Section 3-4 (Answer Key)

Created by jrogers

  • c 1. Laissez faire
  • a 2. competition
  • b 3. specialization
  • e 4. mixed economy
  • d 5. global economy
  • a. the effort of two or more people acting independently to get business by offering the best deal
  • b. a situation that occurs when individuals or businesses concentrate thier efforts in the area in which they have advantage for increased productivity and profit
  • c. The princple that the government should not interfere in the economy
  • d. all economic interactions that across international boundaries
  • e. an economic system that has elements of traditional, command, and market economies: the most common economic system

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