Sociology Chapter 7 section 1-2 Quiz

Created by jrogers

  • 1. sanctions
  • 2. formal sanctions
  • 3. deviance
  • 4. anomie
  • 5. differential association
  • 6. Secondary deviance
  • a. a concept that refers to the frquency and closesness of association a person has with deviant and nondeviant individuals
  • b. A reward or punishment that is given by some formal orgnization or regulatory body
  • c. a behavior that violates significant social norms
  • d. a group in which interactions is impersonal and temporary in nature
  • e. The reward or punishment used to enofrce conformity to norms
  • f. a situation that arises when the norms of society are unclear or are no longer applicable
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Sociology Chapter 7 section 1-2 Quiz (Answer Key)

Created by jrogers

  • e 1. sanctions
  • b 2. formal sanctions
  • c 3. deviance
  • f 4. anomie
  • a 5. differential association
  • d 6. Secondary deviance
  • a. a concept that refers to the frquency and closesness of association a person has with deviant and nondeviant individuals
  • b. A reward or punishment that is given by some formal orgnization or regulatory body
  • c. a behavior that violates significant social norms
  • d. a group in which interactions is impersonal and temporary in nature
  • e. The reward or punishment used to enofrce conformity to norms
  • f. a situation that arises when the norms of society are unclear or are no longer applicable

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