Plants / Part A

Created by ftbrady

  • 1. A seed needs _____, _____, and _____ to germinate
  • 2. Things in nature that help plants and animals live and grow
  • 3. A young plant is a
  • 4. To make more of the same kind of organism is to
  • 5. The dust-like grains of a flower needed for the plant to reproduce is
  • 6. The movement of pollen from one part of the flower to another part is
  • 7. The green coloring of a plant comes from
  • 8. Take in water and nutrients from the soil
  • 9. Holds the seeds
  • 10. Make food for the plant
  • 11. Moves water and nutrients to different parts of the plant
  • 12. The process that plants use to make food is called
  • 13. A gas in the air that a plant needs for photosynthesis is called
  • 14. A scientist who grows plants and cares for plants is called a
  • a. seedling
  • b. reproduce
  • c. nutrients
  • d. leaves
  • e. photosynthesis
  • f. stem
  • g. chlorophyll.
  • h. pollination.
  • i. horticulturist
  • j. roots
  • k. carbon dioxide
  • l. water, air, sunlight
  • m. flower
  • n. pollen
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Plants / Part A (Answer Key)

Created by ftbrady

  • l 1. A seed needs _____, _____, and _____ to germinate
  • c 2. Things in nature that help plants and animals live and grow
  • a 3. A young plant is a
  • b 4. To make more of the same kind of organism is to
  • n 5. The dust-like grains of a flower needed for the plant to reproduce is
  • h 6. The movement of pollen from one part of the flower to another part is
  • g 7. The green coloring of a plant comes from
  • j 8. Take in water and nutrients from the soil
  • m 9. Holds the seeds
  • d 10. Make food for the plant
  • f 11. Moves water and nutrients to different parts of the plant
  • e 12. The process that plants use to make food is called
  • k 13. A gas in the air that a plant needs for photosynthesis is called
  • i 14. A scientist who grows plants and cares for plants is called a
  • a. seedling
  • b. reproduce
  • c. nutrients
  • d. leaves
  • e. photosynthesis
  • f. stem
  • g. chlorophyll.
  • h. pollination.
  • i. horticulturist
  • j. roots
  • k. carbon dioxide
  • l. water, air, sunlight
  • m. flower
  • n. pollen

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