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Wordly Wise Lesson 1 Quiz

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Questions Answers
Not many people have heard of Marguerite Johnson. She is far better known by her ___________ Maya Angelou. pseudonym
Maya Angelou wrote about her life in a multi-volume autobiography. The passage you have read is a very ___________ version of that life. concise
Angelou's books describe human behavior in all its forms. She shows not only how ________ people can be but also how noble they can be. despicable
Bertha Flowers who loved books, was a strong influence on the young girl. Maya ________ her friend and became a lover of books too. emulated
The Arkansas of the 1930s described by Angelou seems like another planet. Her stories _________ memories of a time of deep racial divisions. evoke
When Maya was a child, a line was drawn to keep African Americans in their place. Anyone crossing that line would be ________ immediately. rebuffed
A number of characters come alive in the pages of Angelou's autobiography. Momma is a(n) __________ presence in the first book in the series. pervasive

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