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Questions Answers
What is the difference between the Early Help Hub and the Family Support Service?
A child has a diagnosed disability and is accessing after school clubs and activities outside of school. Parents are requesting that the disabled children’s team pay for the activities . What is the answer?
Which team holds CLA, completes 15 day assessments, CIN children , s47’s, takes cases to LSM and PLO and goes to court ?
What 5 things need to be completed by CAST/DCT before a case can be discussed at the Early Help Hub? Which is the most important of these and why?
A child has ADHD ,PDA and ADD. Parent is at the end of their tether and wants respite .
In what time frame must a CP 1 be completed ?
A child of 18 months has been with a disability- parents want support to meet their child’s needs as they have been told by their health visitor/doctor to ask for an assessment and get some direct payments. What are your thoughts. Are they entitled to

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