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hEaRt fUnCtIoNs oF tHe cIrCuLaToRy sYsTeM

Instructions: Circle the correct answer!

    The Heart is the pump that circulates blood to all parts of the body.
    A. True B. False
    The main organ responsible for the efficiency of the bloods circulatory system is the
    A. Heart B. Veins C. Blood D. Arteries E. Capillaries
    The Circulatory System is the shortest system of the body.
    A. True B. False
    The organs of the circulatory system includes
    A. The heart, arteries, veins, Brain,and blood. B. The lungs, arteries, veins, capillaries,and blood. C. The heart, arteries, veins, capillaries,and blood. D. The heart,throat , veins, capillaries,and blood.
    The heart is located in the
    A. Dorsal Cavity B. Abdominal Cavity C. Thoracic cavity D. Pelvic Cavity
    How many pounds does the heart weigh?
Answer Key
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Name: ___________________________________
Date: ___________________________________

hEaRt fUnCtIoNs oF tHe cIrCuLaToRy sYsTeM (Answer Key)

Instructions: Circle the correct answer!

    The Heart is the pump that circulates blood to all parts of the body.
    A. True B. False
    The main organ responsible for the efficiency of the bloods circulatory system is the
    A. Heart B. Veins C. Blood D. Arteries E. Capillaries
    The Circulatory System is the shortest system of the body.
    A. True B. False
    The organs of the circulatory system includes
    A. The heart, arteries, veins, Brain,and blood. B. The lungs, arteries, veins, capillaries,and blood. C. The heart, arteries, veins, capillaries,and blood. D. The heart,throat , veins, capillaries,and blood.
    The heart is located in the
    A. Dorsal Cavity B. Abdominal Cavity C. Thoracic cavity D. Pelvic Cavity
    How many pounds does the heart weigh?

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