Lesson 1 Vocabulary

vocabulary multiple choice

    Whats the meaning of the word FACTOR?
    A. Something that constributes to a result. B. find; Point out C. Proof; A sign that shows something is true. D. Information, especially facts or numbers
    Whats the meaning for DATA?
    A. To look at something carefully by attention to its parts B. A length or portion of time C. Information, especially facts or Numbers D. A guess; to make a rough judgement of something
    Whats the meaning of the word INDICATE?
    A. A rule a way of doing something B. Information, especially facts or numbers C. to show or point out D. A general idea or thought about something
    Whats the meaning of the word CONCEPT?
    A. A general idea or thought about something B. study; regular unchanging in a positive way C. An idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain factor events D. A way of doing something
    Whats the meaning of the word DISTRIBUTION?
    A. The way something is spread over an area B. Large enough to be noticed C. a way of doing something D. A length or portion of time
    Whats the meaning of the word FORMULA?
    A. Likely to change often. B. To get or receive from a source C. explanation of something not abvious or not meaning the same thing to everyone D. A rule a way of doing something
    Whats the meaning of the word VARIABLE?
    A. Purpose for which something is used B. Likely to change often C. An idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events D. A guess
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Lesson 1 Vocabulary (Answer Key)

vocabulary multiple choice

    Whats the meaning of the word FACTOR?
    A. Something that constributes to a result. B. find; Point out C. Proof; A sign that shows something is true. D. Information, especially facts or numbers
    Whats the meaning for DATA?
    A. To look at something carefully by attention to its parts B. A length or portion of time C. Information, especially facts or Numbers D. A guess; to make a rough judgement of something
    Whats the meaning of the word INDICATE?
    A. A rule a way of doing something B. Information, especially facts or numbers C. to show or point out D. A general idea or thought about something
    Whats the meaning of the word CONCEPT?
    A. A general idea or thought about something B. study; regular unchanging in a positive way C. An idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain factor events D. A way of doing something
    Whats the meaning of the word DISTRIBUTION?
    A. The way something is spread over an area B. Large enough to be noticed C. a way of doing something D. A length or portion of time
    Whats the meaning of the word FORMULA?
    A. Likely to change often. B. To get or receive from a source C. explanation of something not abvious or not meaning the same thing to everyone D. A rule a way of doing something
    Whats the meaning of the word VARIABLE?
    A. Purpose for which something is used B. Likely to change often C. An idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events D. A guess

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