Sleep Quiz

How to get a good nights sleep?

    What time of the day should you exercise to help you get a better sleep?
    A. Nighttime Exercise B. Daytime Exercise
    Drinking lots of fluid before bed will help you sleep longer?
    A. False B. True
    Create a bedtime routine including the following:
    A. Read a book before bed B. Have a warm shower C. Minimise noise D. All of the above E. Go to bed at the same time
    Which of the following is not recommended before bed?
    A. Eating a heavy meal B. Screen time C. Treating reflux symptoms D. Drinking caffeine E. Heavy Exercise
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Sleep Quiz (Answer Key)

How to get a good nights sleep?

    What time of the day should you exercise to help you get a better sleep?
    A. Nighttime Exercise B. Daytime Exercise
    Drinking lots of fluid before bed will help you sleep longer?
    A. False B. True
    Create a bedtime routine including the following:
    A. Read a book before bed B. Have a warm shower C. Minimise noise D. All of the above E. Go to bed at the same time
    Which of the following is not recommended before bed?
    A. Eating a heavy meal B. Screen time C. Treating reflux symptoms D. Drinking caffeine E. Heavy Exercise

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