Oceanography Exam 2

Created by kendawyels

ch 12

    The process by which energy is derived from solar radiation that is used by certain organisms to form organic matter is called ________.
    A. chemosynthesis B. upwelling C. biomass D. photosynthesis E. visible light
    In general, the rate at which energy is stored by organisms through the formation of organic matter is called ________.
    A. primary productivity B. primary productivity C. chlorophyll D. upwelling E. biomass
    The nutrients that tend to limit photosynthesis in marine environments include ________.
    A. carbon dioxide and nitrogen B. phosphorus C. nitrogen and phosphorus D. nitrogen E. carbon dioxide
    The depth at which the cellular respiration rate equals the photosynthetic rate is referred to as the ________ for photosynthesis.
    A. epipelagic depth B. euphotic zone C. carbonate depth D. compensation depth E. productive zone
    Overproduction of organic matter resulting in anoxic conditions is attributed to ________.
    A. net primary productivity B. eutrophication C. phototropism D. photoperiodicity E. autotrophication
    Although primary productivity in tropical areas is generally low, which of the following tropical locations have unusually high primary productivity rates?
    A. Hypoxic zones B. Equatorial downwelling zones C. Coastal upwelling zones D. Dead zones
    Nutrient flow in an ecosystem is ________.
    A. unidirectional B. cyclical C. bi-directional D. top down E. semi-conservative
    Energy flow in an ecosystem is ________.
    A. cyclic B. bi-directional C. unidirectional D. semi-conservative E. top down
    Primary productivity data of the oceans is collected using satellites which measure ________.
    A. color B. radioactivity C. temperature D. oxygen E. biomass
    In the clearest ocean water, solar energy may be detected to depths of ________.
    A. two to three kilometers B. one kilometer 100 meters C. one kilometer D. 20 meters E. one to two kilometers
    Which of the following is not an important seawater nutrients needed by phytoplankton?
    A. Iron B. Phosphorus C. Silica D. Sodium E. Nitrogen
    When compared to coastal regions, solar energy extends ________ into the water column and concentrations of nutrients are ________ in the open ocean.
    A. deeper; lower B. less; lower C. deeper; greater D. less; greater
    Which of the following types of algae is the most abundant and widespread of the marine macroscopic algae?
    A. Green algae B. Red algae C. Yellow algae D. Purple algae E. Brown algae
    Productivity is limited by ________ in polar regions and by ________ in the low-latitude tropics.
    A. available sunlight; nutrient supply B. nutrient supply; available sunlight C. nutrient supply; nutrient supply D. available sunlight; available sunlight
    In middle latitude (temperate) oceans, primary productivity is limited by ________ in the fall and by ________ in the spring.
    A. available sunlight; nutrient supply B. available sunlight; available sunlight C. nutrient supply; nutrient supply D. nutrient supply; available sunlight
    Organisms within an ecosystem that nourish themselves through either photosynthesis or chemosynthesis are called ________.
    A. producers B. consumers C. animals D. decomposers E. heterotrophic
    Organisms which feed directly on plants or algae are called ________.
    A. bacteriovores B. autotrophic C. omnivores D. herbivores E. carnivores
    Clams are an example of a heterotroph that feeds by ________ feeding.
    A. photosynthetic B. filter C. active predation D. passive predation E. deposit
    Individual members of a feeding population in a food chain are generally ________ in size and ________ numerous than their prey.
    A. smaller; less B. smaller; more C. larger; less D. larger; more
    The ocean selectively absorbs __________ wavelengths of visible light.
    A. all wavelengths equally B. longer C. no visible light D. shorter
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Oceanography Exam 2 (Answer Key)

Created by kendawyels

ch 12

    The process by which energy is derived from solar radiation that is used by certain organisms to form organic matter is called ________.
    A. chemosynthesis B. upwelling C. biomass D. photosynthesis E. visible light
    In general, the rate at which energy is stored by organisms through the formation of organic matter is called ________.
    A. primary productivity B. primary productivity C. chlorophyll D. upwelling E. biomass
    The nutrients that tend to limit photosynthesis in marine environments include ________.
    A. carbon dioxide and nitrogen B. phosphorus C. nitrogen and phosphorus D. nitrogen E. carbon dioxide
    The depth at which the cellular respiration rate equals the photosynthetic rate is referred to as the ________ for photosynthesis.
    A. epipelagic depth B. euphotic zone C. carbonate depth D. compensation depth E. productive zone
    Overproduction of organic matter resulting in anoxic conditions is attributed to ________.
    A. net primary productivity B. eutrophication C. phototropism D. photoperiodicity E. autotrophication
    Although primary productivity in tropical areas is generally low, which of the following tropical locations have unusually high primary productivity rates?
    A. Hypoxic zones B. Equatorial downwelling zones C. Coastal upwelling zones D. Dead zones
    Nutrient flow in an ecosystem is ________.
    A. unidirectional B. cyclical C. bi-directional D. top down E. semi-conservative
    Energy flow in an ecosystem is ________.
    A. cyclic B. bi-directional C. unidirectional D. semi-conservative E. top down
    Primary productivity data of the oceans is collected using satellites which measure ________.
    A. color B. radioactivity C. temperature D. oxygen E. biomass
    In the clearest ocean water, solar energy may be detected to depths of ________.
    A. two to three kilometers B. one kilometer 100 meters C. one kilometer D. 20 meters E. one to two kilometers
    Which of the following is not an important seawater nutrients needed by phytoplankton?
    A. Iron B. Phosphorus C. Silica D. Sodium E. Nitrogen
    When compared to coastal regions, solar energy extends ________ into the water column and concentrations of nutrients are ________ in the open ocean.
    A. deeper; lower B. less; lower C. deeper; greater D. less; greater
    Which of the following types of algae is the most abundant and widespread of the marine macroscopic algae?
    A. Green algae B. Red algae C. Yellow algae D. Purple algae E. Brown algae
    Productivity is limited by ________ in polar regions and by ________ in the low-latitude tropics.
    A. available sunlight; nutrient supply B. nutrient supply; available sunlight C. nutrient supply; nutrient supply D. available sunlight; available sunlight
    In middle latitude (temperate) oceans, primary productivity is limited by ________ in the fall and by ________ in the spring.
    A. available sunlight; nutrient supply B. available sunlight; available sunlight C. nutrient supply; nutrient supply D. nutrient supply; available sunlight
    Organisms within an ecosystem that nourish themselves through either photosynthesis or chemosynthesis are called ________.
    A. producers B. consumers C. animals D. decomposers E. heterotrophic
    Organisms which feed directly on plants or algae are called ________.
    A. bacteriovores B. autotrophic C. omnivores D. herbivores E. carnivores
    Clams are an example of a heterotroph that feeds by ________ feeding.
    A. photosynthetic B. filter C. active predation D. passive predation E. deposit
    Individual members of a feeding population in a food chain are generally ________ in size and ________ numerous than their prey.
    A. smaller; less B. smaller; more C. larger; less D. larger; more
    The ocean selectively absorbs __________ wavelengths of visible light.
    A. all wavelengths equally B. longer C. no visible light D. shorter

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